
Volunteer to be on an AAMC Committee!


AAMC depends on committee members to accomplish tasks that benefit the mission and goals of the organization.

Committee assignments are generally for one year.  At the annual conference, committee sign-up sheets are available to members who are interested in serving on a committee.

If you are unable to attend the conference and are interested in serving on a committee, please contact AAMC President April Trickey at: to express your interest.

Serving on a committee is a wonderful way to get involved , meet new friends, network, and share your talents and ideas. 

List of Committees

Below is a list of all committees with chair contact information and a brief explanation of the purpose of the committee. 

Review the Policies and Procedures for more information on the duties and responsibilities of each committee.

2023-2024 Committee Chairs

AAMC Elections committee

Chair Benji Johnson | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to conduct the election of officers at the business luncheon that is held during the annual conference.

Banquet Decor subcommittee (Planning Conference subcommittee)

Chair Mandy Honest, MMC | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to decorate the ballroom for the annual banquet according to the presidential theme for the year.  This is a subcommittee of the Conference Planning Committee.

Clerk of the Year committee

Chair Melissa Jacobsen, MMC | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to select a clerk who has been nominated by their municipality in order to be recognized for their outstanding achievements and contributions to their community.  This award is presented at the annual banquet.

Conference Planning committee

Chair Lori Strickler, MMC | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to determine the date and location of the annual conference.  This committee also solicits sponsors and exhibitors, gathers information regarding the cost of the educational components, meals, rooms, and other costs for the annual conference.  They also coordinate all activities, educational opportunities, and any other tasks to ensure that the conference runs smoothly and is well attended.

Education committee

Chair Beth McEwen, MMC | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to develop the education portion of the annual conference in order to provide sessions that compliment those offered at the Northwest Clerk's Institute, as well as to determine the subject of the advanced academy session or other educational sessions as needed.

Exhibitor/Sponsor subcommittee (Planning conference subcommittee)

Chair Shelby Carlson | Email:

The purpose of this Committee is to encourage and secure exhibitors and sponsors for the annual Clerk's Conference.

Finance committee

Jenni Fox, CMC | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to report on AAMC's financial condition at the annual business meeting, to monitor revenue and expenditures throughout the year, and to prepare the annual budget for submittals to the Executive Board.

Fundraising committee

Colt Chase|

The purpose of this committee is to develop, implement, and administer programs to raise funds for the AAMC Education Fund, as well as ensuring that any gaming or other fund raising activities comply with state and federal regulations.


Chair Kacie Paxton, MMC | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to track bills of interest to the clerk profession and local governments generally, as well as to alert the Executive Board of any bill for which AAMC may like to provide comment or testimony.

Membership committee

Chair Gina Gregg | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to recruit new members and encourage renewal of existing members, as well as to maintain a current list of members with their contact information.

Mentoring committee

Chair Kacie Paxton, MMC | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to pair experienced clerks and newer clerks to work in a mentor/mentee relationship.  This is done in order to identify needs and encourage growth of new clerks, as well as to provide knowledge and support for the profession.  Applications to participate in the program can be found in the menu bar from the home page under "forms."

Northwest Clerks Institute EDUCATION committee

Chair Beth McEwen, MMC | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to work closely with the Northwest Clerk's Institute Director to review and make recommendations regarding educational course content, budget, and schedule of the Professional Development courses.

Publications committee

Chair Shelby Carlson | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to review all AAMC publications and recommend revisions to the Executive Board.  This committee also prepares the annual conference program and other items as requested by the President.

Records Management committee

Chair Michele Turner, CMC | Email:

The purpose of the Committee is to work closely with the Alaska State Archivist and Alaska State Records Manager to review and recommend changes to the State of Alaska Local Government Model/General Administrative GRRS #300.1. The Committee is responsible for creating and applying the AAMC Records Retention Schedule to the organization's records. The Committee will collaborate with the Education Director to provide records  and information education opportunities to the AAMC Membership.

Scholarship committee

Chair Diane Cathcart | Email:

The purpose of this committee is to recommend funding for scholarships, as well as administration of the scholarship programs for AAMC.